Prepare To Come To The Shoshanah Campus
For an event like church retreats, women’s retreats, men’s retreats or our popular Messianic summer teaching program, we want to make your stay here as stress-free as possible so you can focus on the teaching, fellowship and whatever other wonderful things that the Lord has in store for you!
List of links to help you when you are planning your trip
We are happy to assist you with your arrival and departure. We regularly provide a ride to and from the following locations:
- Lake Champlain Ferry at Cumberland Head, Plattsburgh, NY
- Plattsburgh (NY) International Airport (PBG)
- Burlington (Vermont) International Airport (BTV)
- Amtrak Train station in Plattsburgh, NY (please verify when boarding)
- Greyhound & Trailways bus station at Plattsburgh, NY
If you do not know your travel itinerary at the time of registration, please CONTACT US to provide that information as soon as possible and at least 48 hours in advance.

Helpful Links
- Google location map
- Burlington, VT airport
- Plattsburgh, NY airport
- Albany Airport
- Lake Champlain ferry schedule
- Amtrak Train
- Greyhound bus
Things to Do Nearby
- AuSable Chasm
- Whiteface Mountain
- Lake Placid, NY
- Nearby Hiking Trails
- Adirondack Arts & History
- Adirondack Coast Travel Guide
- Adirondack Almanack

Additional Travel ideas
Alternative Flight Option:
You can also fly into Montreal, Canada, and rent a car. Montreal is approximately 90 miles north of the Shoshanah Campus.
Traveling this way will require a passport.
Getting here from Vermont:
If you fly into Burlington, VT and rent a car, you will have 2 ferry options:
- The Grand Isle to Cumberland Head Ferry runs every 20 minutes.
- The Burlington to Port Kent Ferry runs less often and no early morning or evening trips.
(See the ferry schedule links above for times.)
If you fly into Burlington, but don’t rent a car, you’ll need to get a ride from the airport, from a driving service like a taxi or GreenCab/Uber/Lyft to the Burlington Ferry dock or Grand Isle Ferry dock. Just make sure you have time to make one of the few mid-day ferries departing to and from Port Kent or Cumberland Head when you book your flight.
Timing this is important because that ferry is limited. See the link to the ferry schedules above. Sometimes people will plan to spend the night in Burlington in order to accommodate their flight times.
Interested in hosting future church retreats, women’s retreats, men’s retreats, or even couples retreats in our conference facility, please get in touch with us and we will be happy to help you plan your next ministry event!
You can contact us by phone: +1-518-834-6057 or email [email protected] or click here to use our CONTACT US page.
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